Author Website Design With WordPress [ Video Course ]

Attention all users!

Best Premium WordPress Theme For Author Website. [ Purchase & Setup Guide ]

After watching this video you will learn,

  • How to purchase Author Portfolio Pro WordPress theme.
  • How to Install & Activate Theme.
  • How to Install All recommended And Required Plugins in a single click.
  • How to Import demo data.

How To Add Navigation Menu To Author Website and Customize The Header Layout.

After watching this video you will learn,

  • How to upload logo and Favicon.
  • How to change the Header layout.
  • How to add social links to the header.
  • How to change color and typography of header elements.
  • How to change header background.

How to Add Book To Your WordPress Author Website [ Step By Step guidelines ]

After watching this video you will learn,

  • How to add all information about the book to the book landing page.
  • How to add a book cover to the book page.
  • How to add all format prices and links.
  • How to add multiple sales links.

How to showcase your all books on the website sidebar.

After watching this video you will learn,

  • How to showcase all books to the website sidebar.
  • How to showcase Specific books on the website sidebar.
  • How to turn On//off elements.

How to add Author Bio/Information Widget on WordPress website sidebar.

After watching this video you will learn,

  • How to add an author bio widget to the website sidebar area.
  • You could display your name, picture, banner picture, profession, short description, and social links.

How to add an email sign-up form to the author website sidebar.

After watching this video you will learn,

  • how to add an email sign-up form on the website sidebar.
  • How to design an email sign-up form.